Ranit Schmelzer, Communications

Ranit Schmelzer has worked for more than 25 years at the intersection of politics and policy as a lead strategist and spokesperson in the Executive Branch, in Congress and in the advocacy world. Today, as President of Schmelzer Strategies, she advises nonprofit organizations, think tanks, and universities on complex public policy advocacy and legislative challenges, developing and implementing high-impact communications strategies. 

Prior to entering private practice in 2012, Ranit led public affairs at the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency for volunteering and service (now AmeriCorps). Before that, she worked in the U.S. Congress, including 10 years as Communications Director for U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle.

Ranit serves on the Boards of Impact100 DC and Washington Hebrew Congregation, and on the Advisory Board of Fair Chance.